Miss Ohio's indie rock classic "Low" re-released today via PVR!

We are excited to celebrate the re-release day of "Low" by Miss Ohio, out now everywhere (Spotify, Itunes, Tidal, Apple Music, etc)! The record, originally released in 2008 is an indie rock classic, one of too many records that at times gets overlooked or just slips past us as life moves fast and new music is released daily. If you've never heard it, you're in for a treat and if you have, you know that now is as good a time as ever to revisit it. From start to finish, this record is a piece of art that you will continue to come back to, if you're not already "in the know." 

"I booked Miss Ohio at the Lakeside Lounge because I went through the stack of cd’s sent to us in the mail and really liked them. I went to see them play and they were really great. A very interesting 2 guitar band with cool songs. Miss Ohio became a staff favorite at the Lakeside. I offered to help them with their recordings and I was super happy they took me up on it and had me mix “Low”. I’m excited to learn that the record is being reissued. I sure hope you enjoy it. - Eric “Roscoe” Ambel

"The songs on Low were written during a time of political upheaval and personal change. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were raging. The world seemed to be falling apart. At the same time, the band was settling down. Many members were getting married, starting families. The songs wrestle with the tension of balancing the personal and the political and examine the dissonance of finding personal happiness in the face of great violence and cruelty. This album was recorded by Wayne Dorell in three days at the Pigeon Club in Hoboken, NJ and mixed by Eric Ambel in Cowboy Technical Studios in Brooklyn, NY." - Dave Wilson, Miss Ohio

- Mark Strohm, BMN Contributor

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