One of the most important things to me during this entire pandemic is that any band or artist keep doing what they do. That being, keep doing what they do best: ART. 

This is especially important for musicians but also exceptionally hard at the same time. 

No places to perform coupled with a notorious culture of musicians who have an aversion to digital and social media content makes this year both an extreme norm and for some, very counterproductive.  

With all that known and said, it’s always good to see a band still out there creating and standing out in a BIG way. 

UK product, Peachblood is one of those bands. Now living in the UK I have a well-chronicled bias for all things British in terms of the arts, especially music across all genres. Peachblood, though pretty unknown (at least here) to the scene have a sound and style that feels like we should have been listening to them for years. 

Silversun Pickups meets Straylight run with some The Cranberries, Peachblood have put together an EP that makes up for what I feel has been a musically lackluster year independently. “Longing Sky” is strong yet ethereal album that forces you to sit through the whole 5 song EP which is rare these days of shorten attention spans and the instant gratification of 30 second TIKTOK songs that chart now that make people happy these days. Sometimes, it’s good to be forced into things, especially when its great music. 

This is GREAT music.

An album of heavy hitting songs with great production that you could feel has a piece of all 6 member in each cord, each key and each lyric with all the voices in-between. It’s wonderfully well written effort that should be on repeat on your platform of choice for the remainder of the year.

Shore Dive Records

- KL Martin, BMN Contributor
3143 Management

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