Skytop Motel releases killer debut album "No Vacancy"

When first listening to the soundcloud stream of Skytop Motel’s latest record “No Vacancy” I couldn’t help but notice the hashtag #psychedelic prior to #rock and #pop and was a little perplexed. I was well into the first track “Surfer Suite” and enjoying what sounded to me as a straight rock/pop song, with Brian Wilson inspired and well executed vocal harmonies and overall great production. Then at around the 2 minute mark things get interesting. There is an unexpected tempo change, and things get kinda… well, psychedelic and unexpected. Stops and starts, complex and interesting percussion, and a back and forth between needling of notes and strumming of chords – I realize I’m listening to something fresh and unique. The record continues in this fashion, somehow finding a way to blend all of these elements of pop and rock as well as psychedelic vibes, progressive rock and even some pop punk moments like in “Sam’s Waltz” towards the end. A truly unique and intriguing listen, “No Vacancy” will keep you guessing, unpredictable yet catchy as hell at the same time. That’s not easy to do. Don’t miss this one – the full record releases 12/18, but there are 4 songs and a pre-order set up at Bandcamp so you can get a sneak peak - 


- Joe Pugsley, BMN Contributor

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